Over half of Ethiopia’s population are younger than 20 years old, and about half of the patients at its main referral hospital in Addis Ababa, Tikur Anbessa Hospital, are children. Thus, when it comes to diagnostic imaging, children make up...
Pediatric Radiology Outreach in Ethiopia
in collaboration with the
Over half of Ethiopia’s population are younger than 20 years old, and about half of the patients at its main referral hospital in Addis Ababa, Tikur Anbessa Hospital, are children. Thus, when it comes to diagnostic imaging, children make up...
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Department of Radiology Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Global Health Center University of Pennsylvania, Radiology Department RAD-AID International World Federation of Pediatric Imaging (WFPI) Radiological Society of Ethiopia (RSE) Ethiopian Medical Association